Aboard any vessel in the fleet are numerous positions and tasks to fill. These vary from ship to ship, but generally, all ships will have dedicated positions for crew members. The following is a list of all such possible positions currently.
Enlisted Roles
There are a slew of different roles currently in game. The following is a comprehensive list of Enlisted roles.
Role | Description |
Crewman | The Crewman is a standard role in-game. It is generally used as a non-specific member of the crew. |
Steward | The Steward is a standard role in-game. Stewards are expected to clean and sanitize the ship, making it a nicer environment onboard. |
Engineer | The Engineer is a standard role in-game. Engineers are expected repair, maintain, and replace broken equipment aboard, as well as doing damage control in the event of a combat situation. Engineers are also in control of the reactor core, and it's systems. |
Cargo Technicians | The Cargo Technician is a standard role in-game. Cargo Tech's are expected to manage, operate, and take note of all onboard cargo, where it goes, who it goes too, and why it's going to them. |
Explorer | The Explorer Is a standard role in-game. Explorers are expected to explore under the guide of the Chief Explorer on any unknown surface, planet, moon, asteroid and such. |
Security | The Security is a standard role in-game. Security is expected to provide a safe and secure environment onboard the ship. They are also expected to provide assistance in repelling boarders, hostiles, |
Scientist | The Scientist is a standard role in-game. Scientists are expected to research onboard the vessel. These personnel have advanced equipment. |
Doctor | The Doctor is a standard role in-game. Doctors are expected to treat all medical patients and any injured personnel. Doctors are also expected to help the research team in any and all medical fields required. |
Robot | The Robot is a standard role in-game. Robots are expected to aid in any and all tasks required. They are a multi-function role. |
Hostile | The Hostile is a paid content role in-game. Hostiles come in various shapes and sizes but all commonly share a goal of doing harm to the ship and it's crew. |
Gunner | The Gunner is a standard role in-game. Gunners are expected to man weapons, load ammunition into launchers and tubes, and calculate firing trajectories. T |
Special Operations | The Special Operations is a standard role in-game. Spec Ops are the elite forces of the ship. They deal with the largest threats, and act as a mobilized task force. |
Senior Enlisted Advisor | The Senior Enlisted Advisor is a role of high-prestige and honor. This role is only given to the best of the best enlisted. This role is un-obtainable through normal means. |
Officer Roles
The following is a comprehensive list of all officer roles, and there functions. All of the following are paid roles.
Roles | Description |
Special Operations Officer | The Commander of the Special Operations forces. |
Gunnery Officer | The Leader of the Gunnery Crew. Receives orders from the captain, First Officer, or Artificial Intelligence, and process's them as required to execute the command. |
Navigators | The Navigators function is to create flight plans, jump routes, and pilot the ship. |
Chief Engineer | The Leader of the Engineering Crew. Head's up the ship's repairs, delegates tasks to specific engineers, and has the most experience onboard of the ships systems. |
Chief Medical Officers | The Heads of the Medical Department. Generally the most experienced Doctors aboard. These individuals are very educated and know what they talk about. |
Chief of Security | The Commander of the Security forces. One of the highest levels of authorization aboard. |
Communications Officers | The Communications Officers work with the ships internal and external communication relays. They are the people who talk to Air Traffic Control, other ships, and everyone else not onboard. These individuals also handle all incoming and out going message traffic. |
Chief Explorer | The Chief Explorer is the most experienced explorer aboard. |
Quartermaster | The Quartermaster is in charge of the cargo onboard. He determines what goes where, why it goes there, when it gets there, and how it gets there. He also has access to the entire ships manifest. |
Research Directors | The Research Directors are in charge of the scientists of the ship. |
Artificial Intelligence | The Artificial Intelligence is the Main computer system onboard. It handles everything from life support, to guns, to reactor controls, to the doors. The AI has a wealth of knowledge on all topics. |
First Officer | The First Officer is the second highest ranking role aboard. This individual will handle everything the captain cannot do. He is the 2nd highest voice of authority, and outranks all other officers barring the captain. |
Captain | The Captain is the voice of authority and reason aboard the ship. He is the commander of the vessel. All important decisions are made by him. He is the highest ranking figure on the ship. |