Sol Defence Corps/Ratings


This page is for Ratings, specializations for enlisted personnel in the SDC. For information on their ranks (e.g. PO3, LT, etc), see Sol Defence Corps/Ranks.

Enlisted personnel of the Sol Defence Corps are often given ratings in accordance with their chosen technical track or specialty, equivalent to a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Ratings range from technical to advisory to command tracks, requiring intense training and expertise to rise through the ranks.


Rating Application

Applying a rating to a rank follows this scheme: [Rate Abbreviation] [Rank Suffix.], for example a Master-at-Arms Petty Officer 3rd Class would be referred to as Master-at-Arms 3rd Class, or MA3. Chief petty officers and above have their title appended before their rating, e.g. Chief Master-at-Arms, but have their abbreviations still added after their rating (MACM).

The table below is for comparing appropriate suffixes for ranks, using the example rating of Engineering Technician (ET). Shipman Recruits, due to being in training, do not receive any rating and as a result do not appear on the table below.

Rank Long Suffix Short Suffix Example (Long) Example (Short)
Shipman Apprentice Apprentice A Engineering Technician Apprentice ETA
Shipman N/A N/A Engineering Technician ET
Petty Officer 3rd Class 3rd Class 3 Engineering Technician 3rd Class ET3
Petty Officer 2nd Class 2nd Class 2 Engineering Technician 2nd Class ET2
Petty Officer 1st Class 1st Class 1 Engineering Technician 1st Class ET1
Chief Petty Officer Chief C Chief Engineering Technician ETC
Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief CS Senior Chief Engineering Technician ETCS
Master Chief Petty Officer Master Chief CM Master Chief Engineering Technician ETCM

Administrative, Logistics and Support

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank Equivalent Role
Logistics Specialist LS Logistics Specialists (LS) are concerned with cargo, supplies, mail distribution and storage, requisition, purchase of materials, documenting, logging, and accounting for the stock and prices of such items. Logistics Specialists make up the bulk of the Cargo department's workforce, and may often take the form of contracted civilian workers. PO3 Cargo Technician
Legalman LM Legalmen (LM) are paralegal enlisted crew that assist Judge Advocates in handling legal affairs and justice such as administrative law, non-judicial and judicial punishments, and court proceedings. They work closely alongside the security department, and often handle prisoner transfers. Crewman
Yeoman YN Yeomen (YN) are administrative and clerical personnel responsible for accounting, paperwork, and writing. They organise shore leave events, handle incoming bureaucratic transmissions and write and document forms for ships and their subsequent departments.
Personnel Specialist PS Personnel Specialists (PS) are responsible for discussing and organising jobs, careers, education, and promotions for crewmembers. They assist with legal aid, compensation, and educate crewmembers on career tracks and the training necessary to do so. They often work alongside Occupational Counsellors and Yeomen.
Occupational Counsellor OS Occupational Counsellors (OS) assist personnel in their strengths and weaknesses both personally and in their occupation, and aim to guide them on their aptitudes to reach their full potential during their service within the Sol Defence Corps. They report to the high command of a ship on details of the crew and are often part of the Recruiter Corps.
Mass Communication Specialist MC Mass Communication Specialists (MC) deal in public affairs and visual information, presenting information about the Sol Defence Corps to the Sol system and it's colonies, the general public, through various forms of media, such as journalism, broadcasts, featurettes, magazines and photography. They record still photo and video photography of military operations, exercises and other notable events. SA
Boatswain's Mate BM Boatswain's Mates (BM) are higher-ranking enlisted that train, supervise and guide enlisted personnel on ship handling procedure, and oversee maintenance. They are additionally responsible for night watch, and oversee announcements over intercom. PO2
Traffic Controller TC Traffic Controllers (TC) assist with the flow of traffic through space via directing and controlling shuttlecraft. They provide aviators and pilots with information regarding traffic, navigation and route safety, operating adjust approach systems as well as utilising intelligence in the form of interpreting radar. SA
Command Advisor CMD Command Advisor (CMD) is the rating of a Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA), who acts as the seniormost authority on a vessel or installation and is responsible for groom standards, disciplinary action, and training. They act as a liaison between enlisted and officers and serve to educate and advise on procedure. CSCPO


Senior Enlisted Advisor
Fleet Advisor FLT MCPON N/A

Medical and Paramedic

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank
Hospital Corpsman HM Hospital Corpsmen (HC) are paramedics, treating wounded personnel both on-ship and on the field. In battlefield service, a hospital corpsman might be deployed as the medical contingent of a Marine platoon.

Hospital Corpsmen may specialise into other fields of medical work such as dental service, nursing and surgery, and Hospital Corpsmen are typically apart of the subsequent Dental or Nurse Corps of the SDC. As a result, they may frequently be civilian contractors.

Dental Corpsman DCM Dental Corpsmen (DCM) is a specialised rating of Hospital Corpsman in dental services, preventing oral disease, providing service for dental and oral injuries and promoting general oral health within the Sol Defence Corps. Nearly all Dental Corpsmen are part of the SDC's Dental Corps, and as a result, are typically civilian service members.
Surgical Corpsman SC Surgical Corpsman (SC) is a specialised rating of Hospital Corpsman which deals with more severe pathological injuries that a typical Hospital Corpsman would not be able to otherwise handle themselves or to provide aid through surgical alterations. Most Surgical Corpsmen are highly experience Hospital Corpsmen or civilian surgeons.
Search and Rescue Operator SAR Search and Rescue Operators (SAR) are specially-trained medical personnel who are trained in multi-environment S&R operations; they may accompany NAVSOC operators on operations involving rescue or may participate in salvage operations with the intent of rescuing a person. They are also colloquially known as Paramedics. SN

Service and Staff

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank Equivalent Role
Service Specialist SV Service Specialists (SV) manage janitorial services such as laundry, cleaning and basic maintenance, personnel services such as commissaries and clubs, working to maintain the ship's crew as well as assist in service provision.

Service Specialists may also serve as personal service specialists for unique individuals such as admiralty, often offering janitorial or maid service. They are colloquially known as stewards.

SA Steward
Culinary Specialist CS Culinary Specialists (CS) are the cooks of a ship, providing a ship's crew with food, drink, and snacks. They prepare menus daily for the crew of a vessel and operate all dining facilities. They also work to catalogue and store perishable goods, and can also serve as personal service specialists for unique individuals such as admiralty. They are colloquially known as chefs or cooks.
Chaplain's Mate CHM Chaplain's Mates (CHM) assist Chaplain in organising religious ceremonies and act as custodians for chapels and handling resources for ceremonies, cataloguing religious text and handling budgetary work. They are often considered a specialization of the Yeoman rating.
Musician MU Musicians (MU) play instruments and often participate in navy bands, dance bands or orchestral bands during events such as parades, military ceremonies, religious services, dances, or memorials. They work closely alongside Chaplains and the Chaplain Corps. Servicemen must audition for this rating, and must be able to play one traditional instrument. SA Crewman
Chaplain CH Chaplains (CH) provide spiritual, religious and moral services to the crewmembers of a ship, providing religious ministry and hosting ceremonies for all faiths. They can, alongside offering religious ministry and organising events, act as counsellors for crewmates, and as a result often work alongside Occupational Counsellors. ENS

Engineering and Technical

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank Equivalent Role
Engineering Technician ET Engineering Technicians (ET) are all-purpose engineers who operate and maintain general machinery, electrical, and construction equipment, and operate heavy machinery. They are additionally responsible for hull maintenance, repairing and maintaining electrical cables and piping, and plumbing. The bulk of the engineering department are ET and are often part of the Engineering Corps. SA Engineer
Reactor Technician RT Reactor Technicians (RT) are specialists in power plants, specialising in fusion reactors, auxiliary power units, and power storage units. They operate and maintain fusion reactors and are responsible for safe handling of fuel and energy. SN
Drive Technician DT Drive Technicians (DT) are specialists in the operation and maintenance of Alcubierre faster-than-light travel systems, operating and maintaining the drives themselves alongside the dark matter and catalyst refineries, and the maintenance of a vessel's ramscoops for collecting hydrogen and dark matter.
Atmospheric Technician AT Atmospheric Technicians (AT) are responsible for maintaining life support and atmosphere on a vessel or space station. They operate gas pumps, life support, and are responsible for handling cabin or hull depressurisations or other atmospheric issues such as gas leaks.
Damage Control Technician DC Damage Control Technicians (DC) are specialists in damage control response, firefighting, search-and-rescue, and ship defences. They are responsible for handling damage to a ship, repairing hull damage and broken systems, and assisting medical staff in evacuating casualties. They work closely alongside Atmospheric Technicians depending on the situation. SA
Robotics Specialist RS Robotics Specialists (RS) are in charge of handling, repairing, programming and maintaining robotic and artificial crew. They are skilled in computer science as well as mechanical engineering and are additionally tasked with maintaining a shipboard central Artificial Intelligence, if there is one.
Information Systems Technician IT Information Systems Technicians (IT) monitor, install and maintain information technology, communications systems, and electronic and computer devices. While less specialised than a robotics specialist, ITs are usually trained in computer engineering and are able to maintain most shipboard machinery.

Combat, Support and Security

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank Equivalent Role
Master-at-Arms MA Masters-at-Arms (MAs or MAAs) are security personnel responsible for peacekeeping and security onboard a vessel. They are in charge of the ship's brig and are tasked with making arrests, personnel control and lawkeeping. They may additionally be deployed for counterterrorism and peacekeeping operations and have the same duties as a police officer. They are also colloquially known as security officers. PO3 Security
Reaction Master-At-Arms RMA A further specialization of the Master-at-Arms rating responsible for defending a ship and it's crew from exceptional threats and security breaches such as a hostile boarding or attacks in port in conjunction with Marines or NAVSOC. It is not uncommon for security officers to encompass the jobs of both Master-at-Arms and Reaction Master-at-Arms.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOD EOD Technicians (EOD) are responsible for the safe handling and disposal of volatile objects, particularly bombs but also apply to unstable shipboard machinery or objects such as fuel tanks and reactors, or combat hardware such as torpedoes and missiles or handheld explosive weapons.
Forensic Technician FRT Forensic Technicians (FRT) supplement Masters-at-Arms in military investigations for personnel, conducting forensics, crime scene analysis, and detective work.
Expeditionary Specialist EX Expeditionary Specialists (EX) operate on the surface of exoplanets, often working with scientific teams and Marine detachments to establish outposts, search for life and other points of interest, natural resources and locations suitable for long-term settlement. Explorer
Gunner's Mate GM Gunner's Mates (GM) are responsible for handling ordnance, gunnery, turrets, and ammunition. They maintain ship's armouries, cannons, and missile and torpedo systems and are also trained in firearms and combat. SN Gunner
Fire Controlman FC Fire Controlmen (FC) are responsible for handling weapons systems including ballistic computers and weapon artificial intelligence programmes. They additionally are tasked with data analysis from shipboard sensors. SA
Electronic Warfare Technician EW Electronic Warfare Technicians (EW) are combat-specific personnel trained in cyber and electronic warfare, including communications blockage, jamming, encryption, as well as cybersecurity, cyber attacks and exploitation of enemy systems. SN
Operations Specialist OS Operations Specialists (OS) operate radar, navigation and communications equipment within a ship's Combat Information Centre or it's bridge. They are tasked with detecting, identifying, and tracking ships, torpedoes and other craft, maintaining IFF systems, communications systems and assisting aircraft.
Intelligence Specialist IS Intelligence Specialists (IS) collect and interpret intelligence, such as secret information regarding opponents to the SDC and United Nations, and potential opponents. They analyse photographs and corroborate data to further the strategic situation and contribute to large-scale operations. Crewman
Special Warfare Operator SW Special Warfare Operators (SW) are NAVSOC personnel, tasked with unconventional warfare and tasks such as counterterrorism, intelligence, counterproliferation and deployment into high-risk environments. PO3 Spec Ops
Special Warfare Overwatch Specialist SWO Special Warfare Overwatch Specialists (SWO) support field operations by providing information about surroundings, contacts, weather, and other external stimuli and changes that may alter the course of a field. They form an integral part of NAVSOC's support force. PO2
Special Warfare Intelligence Specialist SWI Special Warfare Intelligence Specialists (SWI) gather information and intelligence on enemy or potential enemy operations, analysing various types of media in the process.



Marine ratings adapt a simplified version of the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) code system similar to that of the naval rating system for ease of cooperation between the Navy and the Marine Corps and as to consolidate many of the occupational specialties. Each rating is represented by a three-to-four letter abbreviation (Example: INF for Infantry, CBRN for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) followed by a numerical suffix to represent their rank bracket. The first three ranks of Private, Private First Class and Lance Corporal are all situated under one suffix.

Applying a rating to a rank with a long title follows the scheme of [Rank Prefixes] [Rate] [Rank] whereas a short title is [Rating Abbreviation] [Suffix].

For example, a sergeant with the rating of infantry would be referred to as an Infantry Sergeant, or INF3. A Staff Sergeant with the rating of infantry, however, would be referred to as a Staff Infantry Sergeant. Officers receive ratings but do not wear them as a title.

The table below is for comparing appropriate formatting for ranks, using the example rating of Infantry (INF).

Rank Suffix Example (Long) Example (Short)
Apprentice 0 Infantry Apprentice INF0

Private First Class

Lance Corporal

1 Infantry Private

Infantry Private First Class

Infantry Lance Corporal

Corporal 2 Infantry Corporal INF2
Sergeant 3 Infantry Sergeant INF3
Staff Sergeant 4 Staff Infantry Sergeant INF4
Gunnery Sergeant 5 Gunnery Infantry Sergeant INF5
Master Sergeant 6 Master Infantry Sergeant INF6
First Sergeant 7 First Infantry Sergeant INF7
Master Gunnery Sergeant 8 Master Gunnery Infantry Sergeant INF8

Infantry and Artillery


Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank
Infantry INF Infantry Marines (INF) encompass the majority of the Marine Corps, conducting on-the-ground tactical operations and engaging in ground combat as part of a unit. An Infantry Marine may also be the leader of an infantry unit, depending on their rank and purpose. PVT
Reconnaissance RCN Reconnaissance Marines (RCN) specialise in clandestine forward observation, communication and information gathering. Reconnaissance Marines may operate in teams or solo, and may operate special reconnaissance equipment such as drones.
Scout Sniper SCS Scout Sniper Marines (SCS) specialise in marksmanship, surveillance, observation, and other forms of covert reconnaissance and precision elimination. Scout Snipers oftentimes operate solo in enemy territory, observing enemy movements and operations, and conducting patrols. LCPL
Machinegunner MGN Machinegunner Marines (MGN) may serve as either a proponent of a machine gun platoon or a mounted machinegunner on an armoured vehicle. Machinegunners typically possess generalist knowledge as opposed to further specialising into certain models. PVT
Mortarman MMN Mortarman Marines (MMN) specialise in the operation of mortars, often as part of a mortar section of a unit or battalion, providing long-distance fire support. They are often accompanied by Fire Control and Radar Operators as part of a larger mortar team.
Missilegunner MSG Missilegunner Marines (MSG) are specialised in using handheld recoilless rifles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers or other forms of handheld weaponry which utilise airborne explosives. Depending on the model used, they may be accompanied by Fire Control Operators. PFC
Combat Engineer CEN Combat Engineer Marines (CEN) are skilled in a variety of engineering tasks as a support proponent to an operation. Combat Engineers encompass the fields of area denial, demolition, and IED and EOD disposal alongside fortification and general construction, and field maintenance. PVT
Linguist LNG Linguists (LNG) are a support proponent responsible for interpreting foreign languages in discussions, negotiations or while intercepting enemy communications.
Boarding Specialist BRD Boarding Specialists (BRD) are Infantry Marines specialised in operation of EVA (extravehicular) hardware such as hardsuits or skiffs, and conducting breaching-and-boarding operations on enemy vessels, typically pirate ships. Boarding Specialists are typically replaced by NAVSOC operators if they are present onboard a vessel, but boarding is otherwise handled by Marine Boarding Specialists.
Radar Operator RDO Radar Operators (RDO) handle radar equipment and displays on various hardware, interpreting radar displays, conducting target detection and acquisition, and maintaining radar equipment. They often act as a support proponent to mortarmen, missilegunners and HIMARS Operators. PVT
HIMARS Operator HMO High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) Operators (HMO) handle large long-range, high mobility artillery support vehicles, utilising support from radar operators and fire control operators to delivery rapid and precise artillery support to enemy combatants.
Fire Control Operator FCO Fire Control Operators (FCO) are responsible for the coordination and upkeep of artillery and support fire components in a battalion or platoon, both operating bound fire control systems and utilising radio communication to coordinate artillery operation.
CBRN Operator CBRN A proponent of the larger Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Response Force (CBRNRF, commonly referred to as just CBRN), Marine CBRN operators are responsible for entering hazardous areas to conduct analysis, security and containment operations of hazardous areas or objects with assistance from Aviation CBRN for close support and transportation. Marine CBRN operators may also be replaced with NAVSOC CBRN operators depending on the complement of the ship.
Amphibious Combat Vehicle Operator ACV ACV Operators are specialised in the operation of Marine mechanised combat vehicles capable of amphibious operations, ranging from orbit-to-ground or water-to-ground amphibious operation, and ranging from light armoured vehicles to heavily armoured craft, such as tanks.
Marine Aviator Aircrew MAVA Marines or specialised aviators trained to operate as aircrew onboard Marine-operated dropships and fighters.


Rating Description Min. Rank
Infantry Officer Marine Infantry Officers direct infantry platoons, commanding combat operations, leading and coordinating infantry and providing training operations. Infantry Officers are also responsible for planning operations and coordinating with other infantry officers and platoons. 1LT
Artillery Officer Marine Artillery Officers command and coordinate artillery fire and support proponents in cooperation with Infantry Officers. They are responsible for the coordinated movement and commands of artillery sections and the command of Fire Control Operators.
Logistics Officer Responsible for directing the flow of resources and cargo around theatres, conducting logistical operations, and keeping
Orbital Support Officer Responsible for communicating with naval vessels and aerial support craft, directing orbital bombardment support during ground operations, delivering requests for certain bombardments and air support complements. 2LT
CBRN Officer Responsible for planning and executing secure and containment procedures as part of a larger Marine CBRN unit and training Marine CBRN Operators, CBRN Officers typically provide remote command and coordination support from the safety of a CBRN transport craft, communicating to a team through their enlisted team leader.
Amphibious Assault Officer Responsible for the coordination and command of Amphibious Combat Vehicle Operators and large-scale mechanised assault operations.
Marine Aviator Pilots trained to use Marine-variant spacecraft and VTOL craft and participate in Marine operations such as marine deployment, exfiltration, medevac and close air support. All marine aviators undergo the same training as naval aviators at the same locations, and naval aviators can choose to become marine aviators. 2LT

Intelligence and Communications


Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank
Intelligence Specialist ITN Intelligence Specialists (ITN) work alongside infantry reconnaissance, responsible for intelligence collection, interpretation, and the use of intelligence collection technology. Intelligence Specialists may specialise in HUMINT (human intelligence), SIGINT (signals intelligence) or IMINT (imagery intelligence). PVT
Counterintelligence Specialist CIN Counterintelligence Specialists (CIN) are responsible for surveillance of enemy intelligence, counter-surveillance, interrogation and the protection of Marines and Marine Corps operations from enemy intelligence operations. Counterintelligence Specialists work closely alongside infantry reconnaissance to corroborate information on enemy intelligence operations. CPL
Communications Specialist CMS Communications Specialists (CMS) are responsible for operating communications equipment, facilitating communications between units, between the unit and command, and may specialise in communications systems maintenance. PVT
Electronic Warfare Specialist EWAR Strategic Electromagnetic Spectrum specialists (EWAR) operate a variety of technologies that utilise the electromagnetic spectrum to disrupt, deceive or disable enemy communications, electronic and radar systems.
Satellite Systems Operator SSO An extension of Communications Specialists that utilise satellite systems to facilitate large-scale communications between units across a planet's surface and also aiding Orbital Support Officers in facilitating communication between ground units and navy vessels in orbit.


Rating Description Min. Rank
Intelligence Officer Responsible for the coordination and direction of Intelligence Specialists and teams in collecting, interpreting and utilising intelligence. CPT
Ground Intelligence Officer Ground Intelligence Officers work alongside Intelligence Officers and their teams to apply gathered enemy intelligence to infantry, artillery and mechanised ground operations, facilitating the usage of gathered information across an entire operation. 2LT
Counterintelligence Officer Responsible for the coordination and direction of Counterintelligence Specialists and teams in resisting enemy intelligence operations, conducting surveillance, and providing information regarding enemy intelligence to Marine command.
Communications Officer Responsible for directing and coordinating Communications Specialists and overseeing communications operations across an operation.
Electronic Warfare Officer Responsible for planning the usage of electronic countermeasures and technology to disrupt and combat enemy operations and hardware, directing Electronic Warfare Specialists and providing information regarding EWAR efforts to command.


Aviation ratings are much like Marine ratings, adapting a simplified version of the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) system, heavily simplifying it to make it similar to that of the naval rating system for ease of cooperation, also leaving many ratings to naval personnel. Each rating is represented by a three-to-four letter abbreviation followed by a numerical suffix to represent their rank bracket. The first three ranks of Aviator, Aviator First Class and Senior Aviator are all situated under one suffix.

Applying a rating to a rank with a long title follows the scheme of [Rank Prefixes] [Rate] [Rank] whereas a short title is [Rating Abbreviation] [Suffix].

For example, an aviator with the rating of Flight Engineer would be referred to as an Flight Engineer Aviator, or FEN1. A Senior Aviator with the rating of Flight Engineer, however, would be referred to as a Senior Flight Engineer Aviator. Officers receive ratings but do not wear them as abbreviated titles.

The table below is for comparing appropriate formatting for ranks, using the example rating of Flight Engineer (FEN).

Rank (Enlisted) Suffix Example (Long) Example (Short)
Aviator Basic 0 Flight Engineer Apprentice FEN0

Aviator First Class

Senior Aviator

1 Flight Engineer Aviator

Flight Engineer Aviator First Class

Senior Flight Engineer Aviator

Staff Sergeant 2 Staff Flight Engineer Sergeant FEN2
Technical Sergeant 3 Technical Flight Engineer Sergeant FEN3
Master Sergeant 4 Master Flight Engineer Sergeant FEN4
Senior Master Sergeant 5 Senior Flight Engineer Master Sergeant FEN5
Chief Master Sergeant 6 Chief Master Flight Engineer Sergeant FEN6
Command Chief Master Sergeant 7 Command Chief Master Flight Engineer Sergeant FEN7

Enlisted Ratings

Flightcrew Operations

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank
Flight Engineer FEN Flight Engineers (FEN) are responsible for maintaining the hull, structure and various engineering components of a craft in the bay or as a part of the flightcrew onboard a craft, capable of repairing and maintaining the craft while in transit. AVI
Loadmaster LDM Loadmasters (LDM) are responsible for loading cargo onto shuttles either by hand or through the operation of large loading machinery such as forklifts.
Flight Attendant FTN Flight Attendants (FTN) provide various services to the flightcrew such as meals, cleaning, and coordinating cabin duties, also servicing government and other important individuals while onboard SDAC craft.
Avionics Specialist AVS Avionics Specialists (AVS) are specialised in operating one or a variety of a craft's different pieces of aviation electronic equipment such as sensors or navigation, working alongside the pilot to facilitate the smooth operation of a craft while in transit.
Flight Surgeon FSG Flight Surgeons (FSG) are medical attendants onboard craft responsible for providing medical aid for injured flightcrew members or stabilising and aiding soldiers retrieved from combat zones while they are moved to a more secure location.
Linguist LIN Linguists (LIN) are responsible for interpreting foreign languages in discussions, negotiations or while intercepting enemy communications while operating in reconnaissance craft.
ISTAR Operator ISTAR ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) Operators (ISTAR) are responsible for all fields of intelligence gathering and application as part of a flightcrew. ISTAR Operators may specialise into one of the field's many proponents or may become generalist operators. SAV
CBRN Operator CBRN A proponent of the larger Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Response Force (CBRNRF, commonly referred to as just CBRN), Aviator CBRN operators are responsible for piloting special craft for transporting Marine or NAVSOC CBRN operators to hazardous environments or into the vicinity of a hazardous object, aiding in securing the surrounding area with close support and transporting and securing anything retrieved by ground CBRN operators. SAV
Pararescue Operator PRSC Also known as Pararescue Jumpers or PJs, Pararescue Operators (PRSC) are responsible for deployment into hostile environments, often behind enemy lines, to treat, retrieve and rescue downed flightcrew or other injured personnel. They are trained to provide medical care while potentially under fire and move through enemy territory undetected.

Maintenance, Logistics and Support

Rating Abbrev. Description Min. Rank
Maintenance Technician MNT An overarching rating for all enlisted aviators, responsible for maintaining the hull, structure, fuel and propulsion, remotely piloted craft and other systems to prepare craft for takeoff or to repair any damages suffered to craft returning from combat. Maintenance Technicians (MNT) typically specialise into a specific field of craft maintenance. AVI
Avionics Technician AVC An overarching rating responsible for the maintenance, repair and testing of a craft's aviation electronics such as sensors, navigation, remotely piloted craft systems and communications systems to prepare craft for takeoff or to repair any damages suffered during combat. While having more room for generalists, Avionics Technicians (AVC) typically also specialise.
Munitions Technician MUN The last of the three major technician ratings, Munitions Technicians are responsible for transporting, loading and maintaining a craft's munitions in the form of combat systems such as turrets, or the bullets and missiles themselves. Munitions Technicians (MUN) may specialise, notably into EOD disposal.
Boom Operator BMO Boom Operators (BMO) are specialised in refueling craft while in transit either in vacuum or in-atmosphere as part of a larger support flightcrew.
Nondestructive Inspector NDI Nondestructive Inspectors (NDI) are responsible for inspecting faults and damages suffered to craft using nondestructive methods. SAV
Interbranch Liaison IBL Interbranch Liaisons (IBL) are responsible for representing a wing onboard a navy vessel and acting as the liaison between the wing and the vessel's naval chain of command and potentially Marine garrison onboard. CMSG

Officer Ratings


Rating Description Min. Rank
Operations Commander Oversees the operations of an Aviation Corps wing onboard a naval vessel, acting as the highest authority in the wing and responsible for planning, preparing and conducting the operations of the aviators and pilots within the wing. BGEN
Air Battle Manager Responsible for directing and coordinating craft during combat scenarios, helping to coordinate their movement, providing navigational information, facilitating communication between pilots, between pilots and control, and conducting fire control. Essentially traffic controllers for pilots during combat. LTCOL
CBRN Operations Pilot Responsible for piloting the transport craft of CBRN operators, supporting ground CBRN components from the air and facilitating the eventual retrieval of ground CBRN operators. 1LT
Generalist Pilot An non-specialised pilot trained to operate a variety of different craft typically in non-combat scenarios such as transporting craft, standing in for specialised pilots, or assisting in logistical operations. They are highly adaptable, and more skilled, higher-ranking generalist pilots often participate in combat. 2LT
Mobility Pilot Responsible for piloting troop transport, dropships, cargo planes or other transport craft, transporting personnel and cargo over long distances and potentially through and into hostile environments.
Experimental Test Pilot Responsible for testing experimental craft before their large-scale usage, undergoing various procedures to utilise and troubleshoot the various experimental components to a new, in-development craft.
Fighter Pilot Pilots fighter strike craft such as the F/A-301 Manta or F/A-307 Phoenix. Trained in the various skills and procedures of fighter combat and often capable of conducting combat both in-atmosphere and in vacuum.
Bomber Pilot Pilots bomber strike craft such as the B-1101 Triton. Trained in the various skills and procedures of bomber combat and often capable of performing bombing runs both in-atmosphere and in vacuum.
Rescue Pilot Pilots rescue craft, typically in the forms of dropships, deploying pararescue operators into combat zones from high altitudes and supporting them in their retrieval of personnel and their exfil.
Reconnaissance Pilot Pilots stealth reconnaissance craft, working alongside ground reconnaissance and orbital reconnaissance components to provide valuable information regarding enemy movements.
RPC Pilot Pilots Remotely Piloted Craft (RPC) from remote instalments such as ground bases or from a carrier. Works alongside ISTAR operators in interpreting the radar and sensor information from the RPC.

Maintenance, Logistics and Support

Rating Description Min. Rank
Logistics Commander Oversees logistical operations undertaken by short-range logistics support squadrons and coordinates their efforts. 2LT
Maintenance Officer Oversees general maintenance within a wing and communicating with the Logistics Commander and the Cargo Department onboard a vessel in acquiring more resources for maintenance and repair.
Avionics Officer Oversees general avionics testing and maintenance undertaken by avionics support squadrons.
Munitions Officer Oversees general munitions handling, maintenance and EOD disposal undertaken by munitions support squadrons.
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