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Earth | ||
System | Sol | |
Type | Planet | |
Astronomical Classification Index | TTMRN/H-1E | |
Habitable | Yes | |
Affiliation | United Nations | |
Location | Solar System | |
Natural Satellites | Luna | |
Artificial Satellites | Numerous space stations and satellites | |
Discovery Date | Prehistoric | |
Population | 10.8 billion (2114) | |
Equatorial Radius | 6,371 km | |
Gravity | 1 g | |
Atmosphere | N2, O2, Ar | |
Rotational Period | 23h, 56m, 04.09s | |
Axial Tilt | °23 26'10.62' | |
Mass | 1 M🜨 | |
Tidally Locked | No | |
Orbital Period | 365 days | |
Orbital Speed | 12.59 m/sec | |
Orbital Radius | 149.60 million km | |
Orbital Eccentricity | 0.055 | |
Aphelion | 4469.2092 km | |
Perihelion | 4988.4338 km | |
Inclination | 5° 09'00.00' |
Despite the exodus of millions from the planet, it still possesses a population of over 10 billion people and unparalleled political and economic power. Nearly all solar operations are based out of Earth, including the Sol Defence Corps, the Peacekeeper Corps and countless important megacorporations the likes of AXIOM Corporation and Gansai Industries. The United Nations based out of Earth has complete autonomy and control over all of it's colonial subsidiaries including the solar colonial administrations and the extrasolar colonies of Sol.
Planetary Information
Earth is home to a wide variety of environments such as forests, jungles, deserts and plains as well as mountains, though it's liquid saltwater ocean constitutes 70.8% of the planet's surface, classifying Earth as a marine planet, while land covers 29.2% of the remaining surface. Most of Earth's dry land surface is covered in vegetation, snow, ice and with recent human auspices, a considerable amount of Earth's surface has been covered by manmade structures and cities. Biomes of vegetation on Earth include expansive plains in Europe and central North America, towering mountains in the Asian Himalayas and South African Andes, and colossal deserts such as the Kalahari and Namib deserts, the Gobi desert, and the largest, Sahara desert. Earth possesses ice caps at their two geographical poles with one seated atop the continent of Antarctica.
As a result of human industry, many of these biomes are rapidly shrinking or expanding - the ice caps have been melting over the course of many years and putting coastal settlements at risk, biomes like forests and jungles have been receding as a result of changes in temperature, allowing deserts like the Sahara to expand, and the ocean has begun swelling as a result of trapped heat within the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the majority of Earth's population is collected in large cities that are future-proofed against worsening climate conditions, with some believing the worst is past, or is yet to come.Earth experiences tectonic movement and tidal patterns as a result it's only natural satellite, Luna, as their gravitational pull on the Earth tugs on the movement of water and tectonic plates. As a result of the Earth's rotation and gravitational influences from Luna, Earth is not a perfect sphere - instead, it is slightly elliptical at the equator. Earth's rotational period of 24 hours and orbital period of 365 days has become the universal standard of time measurement across all of human-controlled space. Earth possesses a magnetosphere, one of the strongest known amongst all Earthlike planets discovered and settled by humanity, which has protected the planet from deadly solar radiation and allowed life to thrive. Despite centuries of climate change drastically altering the planet's biosphere, it remains an idyllic place for many and a dream getaway destination for off-worlders. Its highly varied ecosystem and biomes, ranging from the coldest peaks to the warmest jungles, has flourished in spite of warmer climates.
It is widely known that Terrans are, on average, the wealthiest in the entire Sol system. With millennia of history and infrastructural development, Earth residents enjoy a lifestyle made easier by advanced technology, widespread use of AI and robotic assistants, as well as abundant and cheap transportation anywhere on the planet. However, with the advent of robotic assistance and highly specialised robots replacing most jobs previously held by humans, with assistance from asteroid belt mining to facilitate the resources needed to create such a workforce, many humans, despite the amenities provided by citizenship of Earth, remain jobless and many in poverty without easily-accessible jobs like factory work that would have previously hired any working hands, now supplemented by advanced machinery. As a result, the United Nations instated the Two-Tier Welfare System (colloquially referred to as the TT system) to allow for income and access to basic amenities to all census citizens of Earth - the welfare system is largely absent from the colonies, however, as the workforce on planets like Mars and Jupiter are nearly all-human, though there is currently an effort to phase in the two-tier welfare system onto Venus. As the name implies, the Two-Tier system is divided into two different levels of assistance;Basic Assistance (BASS), which takes the form of daily tasks provided to lower-class citizens at UN Welfare Stations, consisting of public service corresponding to the city they live in such as counting inventory, streetcleaning and general cleaning services such as household cleaning, mail delivery, and some forms of technical maintenance. Basic Assistance tasks usually take the form of jobs which robotic assistants are typically not developed for, and in exchange for their services, receive 'welfare points' which can be exchanged at welfare stations for basic amenities like food, water, medicare and credit for purchasing other nonessential goods. Most citizens below the poverty line are under Basic Assistance, and some families can sign up for Basic Career Programs (BCPs), which take the form of a public service career, such as a career in streetcleaning specifically and not on a task-by-task basis. Citizens under basic assistance can join the ranks of their national military or the Sol Defence Corps which, upon passing basic training, will instantly admit them to Primary Assistance. A derogatory term for those under basic assistance are Basers, usually used as a way to undermine those in the lower class.Primary Assistance (PASS) is the more sought-after tier of the Welfare System. Primary Assistance is an application-based assistance level which is provided to citizens who can prove a certain valuable skill set that is not handled en masse by robotic assistance such as management or robotic maintenance. Typically citizens must provide proof of education and qualification in their desired field in order to be approved by moderate assistance, but more intensive evaluation programs exist for those who have valuable skills without a standard education. Citizens with moderate assistance are provided with a greater volume and higher quality of amenities much the same as those given by basic assistance in exchange for their services, alongside the benefits of their employer. This includes higher quality food, more advanced medicare and easier access to advanced medical technologies, and a much larger and more comfortable sum of money. Much like basers, those under Primary Assistance are also referred to as Passers, though usually not in a derogatory way.
Arcology Habitats
First sprouting up around the late 2040s, arcology habitats were developed as part of the new-wave of architecture designed to accommodate for increasing population density as a result of climate change and post-scarcity. With the wealth of resources provided by extraterrestrial industry, nations such as the United States, China, Germany, and Bharat begun developing each their own form of arcological living spaces.Early arcologies were simply living spaces with integrated commodities, but following the UN's rise to power and prevalence, their commission to curb already-disastrous climate change led to an international initiative to fund the development of advanced, low-ecological impact arcological habitats in all the most major cities in the world such as Singapore, Beijing, Istanbul, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo, New York and countless other Chinese, American, European and Japanese cities, which suffered the most of overpopulation and population density.
As the Arcology Fund developed, and so did the habitats themselves, they became far more integrated into the surrounding cityscape as layered streets began to develop in cities like New Delhi. Additionally, as arcologies developed and new arcologies sprouted up, a focus shifted to arcological self-sufficiency, with self-contained economies, district municipalities, interacting with the surrounding city and government. The development of arcologies proved to be a useful endeavour and curbed uncontrolled urban expansion and prevented further ecological impact from cities. Arcologies became a prime location for immigrants, with most immigration-friendly countries inviting those from third-world countries or flooded coastlines into their habitats.
As the habitats became self-contained, microcultures and diaspora began to develop within each arcology. Of these arcocultures, as they became to be known, various unique dialects and practices began to sprout up as the densely-populated and tight knit communities of various backgrounds interacted with each other, with one of the most remarkable arcocultures being the Sengkang Arcoculture being a mix of close to twenty languages from various backgrounds, spawned as a result of massive migration to Singapore with the construction of the International Space Elevator.
International Space Elevators
The International Space Elevators (ISLs, nicknamed "The Isles") are two gigantic, sea-based space elevator complexes along the Earth's equator; one in Asia, known as ISL-S1 (International Space Elevator, Singapore 1) also known as the Singapore Space Elevator, located on equatorial waters off the coast of Singapore situated on an artificial island, and the other is in South America, north of Belém, Brazil, known as ISL-B1 or the Belém Space Elevator. While allowed and assisted by the national governments of Singapore and Brazil, both of the International Space Elevators were almost completely funded by the UN and other national contributors such as the United States and China, and the resources which were used to develop them were also provided by the UN. Another elevator is planned in the Gulf of Guinea in Africa. These elevators connect Earth's trade to the Sol system and form gigantic trade hubs for maritime shipping, dwarfing even the largest ports in the world in cargo volume. They connect to the dense network of government and commercial space stations above the geostationary limit of Earth, with docks and construction yards at the counterweight stations of the space elevators expanding out for miles.On the surface of Earth below these space elevators, the lights of the docks become additions to the night sky. Each space elevator is partially owned by the nation in which in presides and the United Nations. While the nation which hosts the space elevator regulates domestic affairs and their share of the income from usage of the space elevator, since the counterweight station is suspended above geostationary orbit, it is almost completely administrated by the United Nations. The space elevators consist of a massive graphene cable connecting a ground station, or "tether", to a geostationary trading platform located over 35,000 meters above sea level. Riding the cable on each space elevator port is a 5-story elevator carriage capable of hauling over 25,000 tonnes of cargo per trip on electromagnetic rails. The elevators are considered to be humanity's first "megastructures", and are truly enormous feats of engineering kept afloat by billions of credits in combined UN government subsidies and transport corporation funding combined. At the top of each elevator is a counterweight and surrounding it, the 'counterweight station' from which the various installations of the space elevator preside. These include tourism facilities, starliner ferry docks, industrial harbours, shipyards for yachts and commercial vessels and even shipyards for naval vessels.
The International Space Elevator was a controversial project in it's original conception, with many of the candidate nations denying the offer to have the elevator built in their maritime territory under threat of the elevator's collapse and the ensuing catastrophes. In order to test and prove the practicality and safety of the International Space Elevators, the UN, after thorough material tests on the graphene construction of the elevator, built the first proto-space elevator on the surface of Luna. The project proved to be a success and the Tranquility Space Elevator was released for public use in 2031, but was eventually decommissioned and it's resources were repurposed for the construction of the first International Space Elevator in Singapore.
Climate Regulation
It is a matter of debate among governments and other organisations whether the worst of the climate catastrophies have already occurred or if the state of Earth was only going to worsen, but it was generally agreed by all that climate change was currently underway and was harming the Earth. The ice caps had melted substantially, desertification occurring the world over, and the oceans began to swell as a result of trapped heat. This lead to rising coastlines which, in some cases were circumvented by huge barriers between the city coastline and the sea in major cities like New York, but other seaboard cities went under and led to mass migration. After the Middle East Oil Crisis, which propelled the climate catastrophies further, the now more-powerful United Nations immediately put forth a massive initiative to curb climate change. With petroleum now an obsolete industry and the UN bringing about a wave of renewable energy across the world, and heavily regulating natural gas usage, work was done to stop climate change from worsening, but damage was still done, which lead to the beginning of the UN's Human Suns Project in 2073.The Human Suns Project was an international commission by the UN to develop large satellites that, by using a huge mirror surface, would project controlled amounts of heat reflected from Sol onto the Earth and by manual control, would allow the Human Suns to influence the environmental thermodynamics of it’s targeted region to stabilise and influence it’s weather. In total, there were seven Human Suns: America North Sun, America South Sun, Mediterranean Sun, Africa Sun, Asia West Sun, Asia East Sun, and Australasia Sun, all assigned to stabilising different regions across the globe. They also acted as depot stations for Atmospheric Drones, autonomous machines that performed round trips across the Earth, releasing compounds that would stabilise the greenhouse composition of the atmosphere by eliminating excess carbon dioxide. These drones were also aided by air purification facilities on the ground. These major technological projects combined with worldwide cleanup endeavours united humanity for the first time in centuries. In a little over a decade, the climate had generally stabilised, and with renewable energy being phased in, it was unlikely to worsen out of the bounds which the UN could reasonably control.It was not fixed, however - the coastlines and the seasons had been irreparably damaged, but the new state of the Earth was at least stable, and livable. Arcology settlements were built within inland cities across the globe to efficiently house displaced people, and the extinction of old industry ushered in the next generation of humanity and their corporations. Unsustainable natural resources were no longer the most profitable industry due to countless heavy regulations.
Earth is divided into seven geopolitical continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica, the former six of which are inhabited by permanent populations and countries. Over the decades the various nation-states occupying the continents of the world had vested enormous levels of influence into a consolidated world government, the new United Nations, who would act as an international mediator and regulatory body with enhanced power over world affairs and a proper standing military. While the United Nations acts as the most expansive international entity and government with authority over it's member states, the United Nations is far from an all-encompassing singular world government.
After millennia of conflict and war, presidential and parliamentary democracies have come out on top to become the dominant form of world government, overtaking authoritarian systems in areas such as the now-united Korea and Russia, through either government collapses, civil wars, or peaceful constitutional reforms. Social welfare systems such as universal healthcare or education have also been spread to traditionally capitalistic nations like the United States, and are more respectful of individual rights in relative to the state as a whole. Despite the UN's domination on the world stage and the relative homogeneity of government, the world is far from internally united. Nations retain their autonomy on affairs like trade and policy, and diplomatic clashes are frequent. The United Nations, however, typically acts as an intermediary to broker peace and negotiation, and can send in Peacekeepers in case an altercation threatens to turn violent. While the UN's ability to use military force in this instance has been more than controversial, it can generally be agreed that it is, if anything, effective at curbing wars.
Major Powers
United States of America
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the United States has waned in presence and influence ever since conservative leaderships scaled back American presence worldwide, with the dissolution of NATO and a major shift in economic policy in response to the Middle East Oil Crisis, making way for the United Nations to pick up the cheque instead with its own growing economic influence and military presence with the Peacekeeper Corps. With the United Nations garnering more clause for power and becoming far more proactive as an international regulator following the end of the Oil Crisis, the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation became all but redundant. The UN, now with a standing military of it's own, led the members of NATO to meet and dissolve the organisation and shift their tributary military efforts to the Peacekeeper Corps and, in the case of some European nations, the European Union Armed Forces in 2056.A series of middle-of-the-road presidents took office in the United States starting in 2086, after the states made their last major contribution to the international stage with the peacekeeping missions in Korea and Venezuela, with their middle-of-the-road policies from there causing a prominent shift from American imperialism back to isolationism as the United States allowed the UN to fulfill their role, with no more stakes in the Middle East as a result of the Gulf Collapse and no more military stakes in Europe with the dissolution of NATO. Economic policies shifted as renewable energy replaced the petroleum industry, further leading to America's change back to isolationism with a highly self-sufficient economy.
Despite this, it remains a significant world power, retaining significant economic might due to its massive industrial sector and history as a birthplace of the world's largest corporations, being one of the UN's permanent members, and still possessing the largest national military in the world. The United States Armed Forces played a pivotal role in the founding of the Sol Defence Corps, and much of the latter's naval traditions and structure is based on that of the United States Navy as a result. Much of the SDC's technology, tributary manpower and funding is sourced from the United States. Same goes for the Peacekeeper Corps, with a substantial portion of the PKC being tribute US soldiers and assets, keeping the United States on the top of the world in terms of military might on the national, supranational and extraterrestrial level.
Canada entered an economic and military union with the United States following the worldwide petroleum recession. The damage dealt to the economies of Canada and the US had a high disparity, despite Canada's extensive renewable energy infrastructure. This was primarily as a result of Canada's provinces and their internal economic reliance on trade with the United States, and by proxy, Canada's reliance on the United States economy as a whole, coupled with poor policies introduced over the course of the late 2020s to 2050s in an effort to make the country more environmentally friendly while not consulting other economic hardships of the dominion. When the US economy was hit by the oil crisis, the damage carried over to the Canadian economy as a result, which worsened the damage that had been done otherwise.When the United States was far quicker to recover with it's larger economy and population, but Canada lagged behind substantially, both governments came together and instated a economic and military union of the two countries, merging the economies of each Canadian province and the Canadian state at large with the American economy, and also merging the Canadian and American armed forces. While the two governments remained politically distinct, they can be considered one North American superstate with their unified economies, militaries and intelligence agencies.
Canada has since fully recovered from the recession and is one of the leading nations in the renewable energy shift, and with the warming of the climate, their population has been steadily increasing and the opening of the arctic ocean as a new maritime trading hub has allowed them to become a major trade proponent of it alongside the United States.
European Union
While none of the federalisation attempts in its history have succeeded, the EU has evolved into a far greater supranational entity than it was in the early 21st century, having vested more power into becoming a confederation. Many countries in Eastern Europe are members solely for economic purposes or protection, but the Union has formed a permanent membership council for more dedicated member states, modeled after the permanent membership model of the United Nations.Founded between these nations is the tributary European Union Armed Forces (EUAF), created after the dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as the proponent international regulation entity shifted from the United States and NATO to the United Nations and their Peacekeeper Corps. The European Union Armed Forces and the restructure of the supranational union were not a response to the dissolution of NATO, but rather part of it, with the confederalised EU founded only two days after the dissolution. Except for France, most of the permanent members of the EU and contributors to the EUAF are not simultaneously part of the EUAF and the Peacekeeper Corps. Alongside the restructuring of the EU into a confederation, they standardised their economic models between their permanent members and a handful of economic members to keep the nations of Europe standing on equal ground with the superpowers of the United States and China, and to cushion the damage dealt by the Middle East Oil Crisis to the world economy, minimizing the recessions caused by the Gulf Collapse and the collapse of OPEC within the member states of the EU. With the combined economic output of the permanent memberships, primarily thanks to Germany, the European Union is the third most powerful economy in the world after the United States and China.The relationship with the Russian Federation and the European Union has been capricious, with multiple breakaway states of the Russian Federation including Dagestan and the Transcaucasian Republic joining the EU as protection states, a new category of EU member state introduced alongside their unified armed forces, and Kaliningrad joining as a full economic member. This, alongside interference from the UN, has stopped the Russian Federation from making any attempts at reclaiming their breakaway states, with the "western coalition" of the EU and the UN actively working against Russian attempts at reunification. This foreign rivalry has also caused internal strife within the young incumbent Russian government, with some camps believing that Russia should withdraw from the UN to pursue total reclamation, and some believing that Russia should remain in the UN and abide by their terms due to their ascendancy to world police status. There is also a camp which believes that Russia should attempt to join the EU, though this is the least popular of them all. Russia's rivalry with the EU and to an extent, the UN, has been backed by China, the Cape Republic, and the Central African Federation, creating a new bloc through BRCC, the successor to BRICS.
African Union
The African continent continued to suffer from severe poverty and frequent wars throughout the mid to late 21st century, with many new separatist nations sprouting up across Africa, most notably the balkanisation of South Africa into the Cape Republic, Sotholand, Xhosa, Eswatini and Natal, and the successful separation of Biafra from Nigeria. Widespread poverty and civil wars plagued the African continent until the United Nations pooled its newfound abundance of resources thanks to extraterrestrial industry and heightened authority into the supranational African Union to boost the continent's economy in the 2060s. Initially, many of the younger nations of Africa did not immediately join the African Union, but the renowned success of the new African Union led to almost the entire continent becoming members with the exception of the Central African Federation, Nuer and Biafra.It has since developed into a significant world power, united under a common political system as a political union. This has enabled the continent to overcome historical divisions and economic disparities, paving the way for unprecedented prosperity following an economic revolution that transformed the continent. Significant investments from corporations into Africa have allowed a way out of poverty for millions of Africans, with both subsidies and the allure of talented manpower attracting global businesses and governments to spend. The continent's natural resources have since been used and traded with other countries, with countries in the continent such as the Cape Republic, the East African Federation, Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Algeria have developed their infrastructure and economies into almost Western levels of budget, maintenance and quality. Multiple unions and joining nations have occurred as well, such as the economic Akan Union and Senegal-Gambia, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Mali, and most notably, the East African Federation, comprised of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Somalia.Formed in 2055, the East African Federation has since become a trailblazer of African modernisation, with it's main constituents of Kenya and Tanzania having the first and third highest human development indexes on the continent, with Uganda and Somalia not far behind. The EAF was also comprised formerly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic, but internal conflict regarding how the East African Federation should take the intervention of the UN into Africa and the reconstruction of the African Union, with the DRC and CAR both believing that Africa does not need help from the UN, as evident within the East African Federation itself, and that the UN's proposal for aid is just a recolonisation of Africa in a more clandestine manner. As internal disagreements raged on between the DRC and the CAR against Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, the two eventually seceded from the East African Federation in 2062, forming the Central African Federation and promptly joining BRCC in an alliance with Russia and China, and renouncing their UN membership status.
With the Central African Federation making consistent threats of war against the East African Federation and "the Western Bloc", the African Union is looking to, in cooperation with the United Nations and the European Union, create a centralised, tributary African Union Armed Forces dedicated to the defence and integrity of the union much like the European Union had done with their EUAF, with the current model of the African Union taken from the EU. While the Peacekeeper Corps have, for a long period, been the main defensive force of the African Union through the Peacekeeper African Legion, many proponents of the union have been looking to phase out dependence on the UN with the African continent now thriving, but still embroiled in tense political situations with the CAF-EAF conflict, the Nigeria-Biafra conflict, and the South African Civil War.
People's Republic of China
One of the superpowers of the early 21st Century, the influence of The People's Republic of China began to wane by 2030, as the nation was wracked by a double-crisis of an ongoing demographic collapse and the catastrophic burst of their real estate market. Losing public opinion, and battling large civil unrest over the economic recession, the General Secretary authorised an intervention in the Myanmar Crisis, with the loyalist factions of the CPC intending to utilize the victories as morale for the civilian populace, which would quell distrust toward the government. The failures of the Myanmar Campaign, as it was dubbed, caused a large factional schism within the CPC, with camps forming between the Populist and Loyalist factions, the latter loyal to the General Secretary. The schism, and the civil unrest the government failed to subdue, hit a swell in the early 2040’s, where the Oil Crisis hit the Chinese economy - being one of the top five oil producers in the world.Faced with a deepening recession, failed military campaign, and weakening economy, the National People’s Congress called for a snap election, which was contested by the General Secretary. With the CPC Loyalists unwilling to heed to the National People’s Congress, a large-scale nationwide protest ensued with a concurrent police and military stand-off in Beijing, which ended with the loyalist clique stepping down and the ascension of the ‘Young Cadre’ populist faction. Public assurance in the party was restored, particularly among the increasingly radicalised youth, as the new clique made a myriad of promises to the nation to solve the economic crisis. What followed was a series of collectivisation reforms throughout the 2040-50s as the Young Cadres blamed the power of corporations on the inability of the past officials to handle the crisis. Concurrently with the Collectivization Reforms, the social situation of The People’s Republic changed rapidly – as a large amount of the older population were either retiring or dead, the youth became the dominant political force. With the economy rebounding, and the youth dominating the political structure, the Young Cadre clique took the opportunity and whipped up fervor in the populace, creating the conditions for a second, much tamer ‘Cultural Revolution’ through the 2040s and 2050s, where several remnant members of the old political structure were purged, and the economic structure became evermore focused on a state-led system, under surveillance by the nation.
Enraged by consistent sidelining, by 2067, the People's Liberation Army had been taken command of by the Trident Clique, a collection of three Biaoite military officers who were disgruntled with the Young Cadre Faction – the Trident Clique launched a soft coup of the National People’s Congress and Young Cadre’s, who had no military to rely on. Martial Law was briefly declared, as China underwent a chaotic but swift change of power to the new Biaoite Group, who invested significant power into the PLA to keep the order. Since then, The People’s Republic has been commanded by a National People’s Congress under the overwatch of the People’s Liberation Army and its officer staff, of whom are the only group to hold permanent seats in the Congress besides the CPC. Although local elections and representation exist, the Chinese Communist Party and its subsidiaries are the only allowed registered parties. Nevertheless, China has steadily grown out of its semi-isolationist period of the mid-21st century, and has fully reinvested its ties to the United Nations, and while the economy is still commanded by the state, it has experienced significant growth since the investment of nuclear power in 2069, making China one of the final states to make the full transition. China now exists as a full-fledged partner and one of the rebounded economic powerhouses of the United Nations, but is noted for their unusually defined chauvinist and militarist sentiment, fostering a ‘China First’ policy, with various attempts of leveraging the organs of the United Nations in their favor, and aligning itself with the nationalist bloc of nations, such as the BRCC.
Republic of Bharat
India, now known officially as the Republic of Bharat (India) has, over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, ascended to the stage as one of the foremost superpowers in the world. Advancing in space technologies, growing their military, heavily improving infrastructure and housing with the assistance of the UN and the Arcology Fund, Bharat was well on their way to become far more prominent of a major power. In 2046, the wave of the global oil shortage hit Bharat the hardest out of all of the members of BRICS with the Middle East exporting 82% of Bharat's oil. However, Bharat was one of the first and fastest nations to recover from the global recession - they were already a nuclear power, remained uninvolved in the Great Gulf War, and held good relations with the United Nations, which allowed them to make a swift change to nuclear energy to make up for the oil shortage, which also prompted Bharat to make major changes to their government to become more economically self-sufficient, with more energy self-sufficiency being their strongest point. This also led to formally renaming themselves to Bharat, abandoning the name of India given to them by their colonisers.Bharat, regardless of suffering from the recession, benefited greatly from the world revolution that occurred as a result of it - the new government heavily enforced their support of the UN more than before, with the organisation's greater power after the Middle East Oil Crisis, and took up the cheque of both Russia and China - with the Russian Anarchy and the double revolution in China, both nations had fallen from the podium, Russia far more than China, which also led to the complete collapse of BRICS, with Bharat being the only country to remain stalwart after the oil crisis, with South Africa balkanising with the boiling point of Cape separatism being reached. As a part of their stalwart support of the United Nations, Bharat formally allowed the United Nations to make an administration of Jammu and Kashmir including their territorial claims alongside Pakistan's - Pakistan was less compliant to the United Nations gaining autonomy over Jammu and Kashmir, especially after losing a major portion of their land to the Gulf Collapse, but was strongarmed into it by Bharat and the United Nations. Bharat promptly became the fourth largest economy in the world and the largest military in terms of active duty personnel, usurping China as the most populous country in the world, and possessing one of the most prominent presences in space. Bharat became a permanent member of the United Nations in 2052, and a permanent contributor to the Peacekeeper Corps, taking the cheque from Russia as a result of the devastation of the Russian military.
Bharat's growth as a nation has been exponential, and it is believed that Bharat may surpass China and the European Union on the economic podium and become the largest economy in the world - they have been incredibly successful with high levels of innovation while working closely with the UN, which allows them many economic and political favours. The nation of Bharat has already surpassed China in terms of population, and is believed to soon fill the niche that the United States had left in returning to isolationism, becoming a prominent international entity in the economic, political and military realms alike. Bharat has, however, lost former allies - China, Russia, the Cape Republic and the Central African Federation, who comprised BRICS (now BRCC), had turned the organisation into far more of an overt eastern bloc against the west, who Bharat found themselves heavily allied with through the UN, prompting the country to end up leaving BRICS in favour of the western bloc, fostering a tense diplomatic situation between Bharat, China and Russia. Bharat has also been considering creating an alliance with the East African Federation and the EU in more overt resistance to the eastern bloc.
Russian Federation
Reeling from their military involvement in the Middle East Oil Crisis and from the economic ramifications of the crisis itself, the Russian Federation has been slowly making an effort to restructure much of their economy and raise their military back up with a deal of assistance from the United Nations. Having intervened in the Middle East Oil Crisis in support of Iran and eventually declaring war on Saudi Arabia, following the Gulf Collapse and the proliferation of Iranian nuclear weapons among various Iranian militant groups, Russia's forward deployments into the Middle East and a number of military bases across southern Russia were hit by militant nuclear weapons, leading to a substantial portion of the standing Russian military being lost both domestically and in the Gulf, and the remaining Russian military - almost entirely destroyed - being propelled into a state of nonexistent morale.This, combined with the collapse of the petroleum industry which contributed to a substantial part of the Russian economy, led to a state of anarchy in the federation. Faith in the current government was at an all-time low for allowing Russia to be crippled and hit by nuclear weapons by involving the federation in the Great Gulf War, leading to mass migrations to neighbouring countries and the secession of various republics from the federation on the same basis, declaring independence as to be self-determining and no longer under the authority of a government they no longer had faith in and felt endangered by. These included republics in the Caucasus, such as the Republics of Chechnya and Dagestan, the Kabardino-Caucaus Republic - also known as the Transcaucasian Republic - the Republic of Kalmykia, the Kaliningrad Republic, and the Siberian Federation comprised of the republics of Sakha, and Buryatia, and the oblasts of Magadan, Kamchatka and Chukotka. There remained present from the Russian military to keep control over these republics, succeeding in quelling some smaller secessions and retaining some land such as the Caspian Stretch and the Magadan Exclave, but there was not enough of a standing military - what was largely remembered as a collapse was only a collapse and not a civil war because Russia did not have enough of a military to make it a war.
Japan additionally made an offer to buy the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands from Russia to greatly expand their maritime territory - an offer which was partially in the interests of the United States as to blockade Russia from the Pacific via the Japanese Kuril islands and now-Siberian Kamchatka. They loaned Japan a substantial amount of money which forced Russia's hand in accepting. The Russian Anarchy eventually ended with the remnants of the military performing a coup of the incumbent government, the new government now opening up the federation greatly to international support - namely from the United Nations - in helping with reparations. While the United Nations did not make any moves to prevent separatism across the Russian Federation, the United Nations eventually stepped in to mediate the state of anarchy in Russia with a Peacekeeper mission to the country. With economic aid and a number of treaties, the United Nations put a predominant focus on Russia in their proliferation of renewable energy sources, also standing in for the lack-thereof Russian military to impose a period of martial law in the federation. As of 2105, Russia's economy has stabilised with the help of fusion energy and a greater focus on production, and their military has largely recovered, now under a mutually-beneficial treaty with the Peacekeeper Corps for tribute materiel resources.
Siberian Federation
The Siberian Federation is one of the most successful and prominent states to arise from the Russian Anarchy, comprised of the republics of Sakha and Buryatia and the oblasts of Magadan, Kamchatka and Chukotka, comprising the nearly entirety of the Siberian Far East. The Republic of Sakha is the most important member of the Siberian Federation, mining 25% of the world's diamonds and 23% of the world's antimony - and formerly all of Russia's antimony. The federation as a whole, backed on a thriving mining and lumber industry, has become one of the economic heavyweights in the new arctic maritime trade network, fleeting a large trade flotilla operating within the arctic and trading with the EU, the United States, Canada and the Russian Federation as of recent.Global warming has also allowed the Siberian Federation to become more temperate, leading to a steadily increasing population. The Siberian Federation is also an important ally of the United Nations, providing a substantial tribute of their resources to the UN's ambitions, with Siberia being one of the UN's largest antimony providers, a valuable resource for the development of batteries and other bleeding-edge technologies. This has vested the UN's support of their independence, providing them protection from Russian reclamation, much to the behest of Russia.The remnants of the Russian military heavily contested the Siberian declaration of independence, with one of the most prominent armed conflicts of the Russian Anarchy taking place as a result - though it was still short, Siberian militants and turncoat Russian soldiers did engage in open combat over the Trans-Siberian railway, and the Pacific Russian navy put up a defence of the city of Magadan, creating a gigantic defence network of the entire naval compliment stationed there.
The combat was short lived, however, as the Siberian Federation ended up forcing Russia's hand in recognising their independence on the basis of their possession of nearly the entirety of Russia's mineral industry, one of the few industries Russia had left. In granting them their independence, the Siberian Federation would be willing to help Russia with reparations as a foreign ally of the federation and allowing them a form of access to the mineral industry through trade. In any case, they strongly believed they would win the war of attrition, especially with international support from the United States, Japan and the UN. Still in possession of the main line of the Trans-Siberian railway and the now-exclave city of Magadan, Russia begrudgingly recognised the independence of the Siberian Federation. With the coup of the current Kremlin shortly afterwards, both the Siberian and Russian Federations came under the assistance of the UN, fostering better relations between the two, though a staunch dissatisfaction towards Siberian independence still remains within Russia today and a common sentiment geared towards Siberian re-integration, though the interests of the UN and the United States largely prevent this from occurring on any level. The Siberian Federation has seated it's government in the city of Yakutsk, and has become a tributary member of the Sol Defence Corps.
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