
694 editsJoined 28 June 2023

Formerly known as ColossusColgate and usually going by the handle nefarious_naenaegoblin.69. Lead Editor and Wiki Administrator, and also a member of the development team over at Community Shipyards. 🇨🇦

Reasonably active in the Discord and less active ingame. You can check out my Roblox profile here.

You might see me ingame as;

  • Chief MAA Pascal Gérin-Héroux
  • Captain Hao Ying
  • Research Director Arsalan Anton, Ph.D.
  • MCPO Geuffir Ironschild
  • MA3 Barry Amspoker
  • EXP. Cassia Illegella
  • EW. Ardon Rikosh

The articles I have created are:

Article Notes
Sol The Rey Diaz Station on Mercury is a reference to The Dark Forest.
Jupiter This is my magnum opus.
Lacaille Originally this planet was called Alveon, but that name didn't mean anything whatsoever, so I changed it.

The render of this planet in Space Engine up and disappeared out of nowhere, so I can't get any new pictures of Lacaille.

Saltillo This was an idea I had been really passionate to make. I'm still not completely sure if it's possible.
Ballad This was my first article.
Homestead This was my second article.
Heze This article was a pain in the ass to make. It accidentally got deleted once.
FTL This article is also my magnum opus.
Lumicom I was pretty excited to make this page. Only a few people knew about lumicom at the time, so it was pretty esoteric information.
Naval Development Group There was a Naval Development Group article before this one, but nothing remains of it.
Sol Intelligence Service The article wasn't originally mine, but much like the NDG, nothing remains of the old article.
Security Radio Codes I originally made this amongst my friends but decided to port it to the wiki.
Guide to Research Most of the information here is taken from Community Shipyard's NDG Handbook, which I also made.

And the articles I've made major contributions to are:

Article Approx. % Notes
Earth 85% Another big revamp. Wrote a lot of the planetary information, all of the welfare, arcologies, and rewrote a lot of the geopolitics. Also made the map with some outsourced help.
Mars 60% Mostly revamped, added dust storm section, revamped all of the district descriptions, and at one point wrote the economy, but that version no longer remains. I also created the Colonial Administration logo.
Venus 80% Another revamp. Added the map and expanded a lot more on the platforms, and the history. Also created the Colonial Administration logo.
Avalon 50% Added more meat to all of the paragraphs but also wrote all of the animals. They're oriented for use in RP so don't complain if they're not ecologically realistic. They're supposed to kill you. Also added most of the photos, and rendered Avalon in Space Engine.
Sol Defence Corps 40% Ported over medals and decorations from another google doc, alongside uniforms from the Miraheze wiki, and created the Sol Defence Aviation Corps (and readded Marine info). The Marine backstory was written by TheFederalGovernment over at Community Shipyards.
Peacekeeper Corps 60% Recreated the logo, revamped a lot, and more recently added the standardised system.
Martian Revolution 65% Wrote pretty much the entire war with the assistance of my friends and the wiki team, and added most of the photos. Created the infobox, too.
Ships of the Sol Defence Corps 10% I kicked off the revamp of this page with a mistake but Swatboy did most of the actual work. There's a bit of framework here and there that I did. Added the Halcyon-class.
List of Admirals Miraheze port Ported over from the old wiki.
Sol Defence Corps/Ratings 20% Added a lot of ratings, including the Marine and Aviator ratings.
Guide To Engineering 75% Wrote everything except for commands, life support, and the reactor.
Guide to Medical 30% (Port) Ported over most of the content from the Shoutwiki but revamped here and there, added medtech and a chart for blood type compatibility.
My personal sandbox page:


My other sandbox pages:

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